Top 3 cryptocurrencies to invest in 2022. Best 10x crop top currency for investment in 2022

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 Welcome to my blog. Today I will tell you about 3 crypto currency. Here you will get information about crypto currency in which you can invest in 2022. The best growing crypto currency in 2022 are given below. 

1) Bitcoin (BTC) 

 According to, bitcoin dominates all digital assets, currently with a market cap of $ 8111 billion as of January 17. 

* Leading cryptocurrencies went through volatile moments, reaching a low of $ 40,000 in September and a high of $ 65,000 in October 2021. 

* In any case, cryptocurrencies and investors have strong faith in this cryptocurrency and it is also seen as a digital gold and inflation hedge. By major banking institutions such as Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan, respectively.

2) Etherium (ETH)

 * This cryptocurrency is also able to maintain its second position in a period of 1 year.

 * As of January 17, it has a market capitalization of approximately $ 390 billion, according to 

* Ethereum will change from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) in 2022 to improve its scalability and make it environmentally sustainable.

* Ethereum is uniquely known as the basis for running many blockchain-based applications such as NFTs. That's why Deutsche Bank analysts called it Digital Silver.

3) Tether (USDT) 

* Tether is the largest stablecoin with a market capitalization of $ 78 billion as of January 17, according to 

* Stablecoins reduce volatility associated with the US dollar and euro, and is one of the most popular options for those looking to invest in cryptocurrencies but are reluctant to face volatility.

 * It is pegged to USD.

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