Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

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Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

how to earn online in nepal, earn $100 per day in nepal- top 5 way to earn money in nepal from internet. in this blog i tell you top and best way to make money online.

1. Create Youtube Channel

You can start your youtube channel just by logging through your gmail account but that solely, will not give you any money. To make money, you must follow all the steps described under the heading how to earn money from youtube (below).

  • 1.   start, open youtube.com with your Gmail account.
  • 2.  Click on the bar beside the Youtube logo on the left corner.
  • 3.  Click on My Channels from the drop down menu (as shown in the image above) 
  • 4.  A box with heading ‘Set up your channel on YouTube’ will appear, with your name highlighted. 
  • 5.  Update channel with your personal information. 

Find a Niche for YouTube.

Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

Develop Content Strategy for youtube videos
Link your Youtube channel with Adsense
Social media campaign 

Selecting your youtube channel niche for earning money is much related with your hobby or passion for a work.

If a video goes viral, it is awesome. This is the simplest ever definition one can suggest in this era of virality but if you have a plan to earn through Youtube, learn this definition by heart.

What? How a video goes ‘Viral’ then!

No expert says that Virality has a definition. And indeed it can’t have a constant definition because the definition is changing every day. But the vital fact is this,

Until this point, I have given you all bows and arrows to conquer the youtube virality. I have also covered the methods through which Youtubers earn money.  

(Buffer): Buffer is a social sharing and scheduling application. Once you are ready with your video, share it on and on, on every social media channel (as we have discussed initially). To do this, you are not always available. So you just schedule all your social media campaigns in one sitting on Buffer all for a whole week. Now if you do not get time, or you were busy somewhere, then also your campaign is running in full pace, uninterrupted

2. Blogging

Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

A blog (a truncation of "weblog")is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual,[citation needed] occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, "multi-author blogs" (MABs) emerged, featuring the writing of multiple authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. 

The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not have much experience with HTML or computer programming. Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required to publish content on the Web, and early Web users therefore tended to be hackers and computer enthusiasts.

 In the 2010s, the majority are interactive Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online comments, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.[2] In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also often build social relations with their readers and other bloggers. However, there are high-readership blogs which do not allow comments.

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as more personal online diaries, and others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave publicly viewable comments, and interact with other commenters, is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. 

However, blog owners or authors often moderate and filter online comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

'Blog' and 'blogging' are now loosely used for content creation and sharing on social media, especially when the content is long-form and one creates and shares content on regular basis. So, one could be maintaining a blog on Facebook or blogging on Instagram.

3. Affiliate marketing 

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an advertising model in which a company compensates third-party publishers to generate traffic or leads to the company’s products and services. The third-party publishers are affiliates, and the commission fee incentivizes them to find ways to promote the company.

The Internet has increased the prominence of affiliate marketing. Amazon popularized the practice by creating an affiliate marketing program whereby websites and bloggers put links to the Amazon page for a reviewed or discussed product to receive advertising fees when a purchase is made. In this sense, affiliate marketing is essentially a pay for performance marketing program where the act of selling is outsourced across a vast network.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

Affiliate marketing predates the Internet, but it is the world of digital marketing, analytics, and cookies that have made it a billion-dollar industry. A company running an affiliate marketing program can track the links that bring in leads and, through internal analytics, see how many convert to sales.

An e-commerce merchant wanting to reach a wider base of Internet users and shoppers may hire an affiliate. An affiliate could be the owner of multiple websites or email marketing lists; the more websites or email lists that an affiliate has, the wider his network. The hired affiliate then communicates and promotes the products offered on the e-commerce platform to his network. The affiliate does this by implementing banner ads, text ads, or links on its multiple owned websites or via email to its clientele. Firms use advertisements in the form of articles, videos, and images to draw an audience’s attention to a service or product.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing.

The advertising company sets the terms of an affiliate marketing program. Early on, companies largely paid the cost per click (traffic) or cost per mile (impressions) on banner advertisements. A technology evolved, the focus turned to commissions on actual sales or qualified leads. The early affiliate marketing programs were vulnerable to fraud because clicks could be generated by software, as could impressions.

Now, most affiliate programs have strict terms and conditions on how to generate leads. There are also certain banned methods, such as installing adware or spyware that redirect all search queries for a product to an affiliate's page. Some affiliate marketing programs go as far as to lay out how a product or service is to be discussed in the content before an affiliate link can be validated.

So an effective affiliate marketing program requires some forethought. The terms and conditions must be tight, especially if the contract agreement pays for traffic rather than sales. The potential for fraud in affiliate marketing is possible.

Unscrupulous affiliates can squat on domain names with misspellings and get a commission for the redirect. They can populate online registration forms with fake or stolen information, and they can purchase AdWords on search terms the company already ranks high on, and so on. Even if the terms and conditions are clear, an affiliate marketing program requires that someone monitor affiliates and enforce rules.

4. URL Link Shortener

Many bloggers, website owners, social media players, players on question-answer websites, and even forums usually find that it is so difficult to get paid by sharing affiliate links, posting articles, answering questions, and more engagement online. This article URLShortener — the Ultimate Guide to Earn Quick Money in 2019 to Monetize Links in 2019 will provide you one more fast way of monetizing the links you share in a comparatively short period.

What is a URL shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool, a software or a website that can shrink and trim down the long URLs (the plural form of Uniform Resource Locator), track links you share and provide you detailed data and analysis of these links. The principal aim of a URL shortener is to keep long web page addresses into short ones that people can easily remember.

Meanwhile, URL shortener acts like an intermediary between the original web page links and the link that you’re supposed to paste or compile in targeted posts, social media platforms, blogs or articles. The URL shortener will also keep connections between the raw URL and the new link by the act of redirection. That means that anyone clicks a link that tackled with URL shortener will firstly visit the URL shortener provider, and then the original web page link.

uses of URL shorteners

When speaking of the usage of URL shorteners, we usually mention 2 uses.

·         Shrinking URLsWhen you want to share something by texts on social media platforms, you can directly past the URLs of the web pages that you want to share. But, these links are too long, making people think of spam information. Thus, by using URL shorteners, you can make these URLs much more neat and shorter.

·         Track Links and URLs. There’re many ways of making money online and affiliate marketing is one of them. But it is difficult to track these links and URLs you share on your blog posts, articles, and social media platforms. Yes, of course, you can install some plug-ins or use some software to track these links, but many of them are paid versions. What’s more, you won’t know which affiliate link or referral link your affiliate revenue comes from.

Earn Online in Nepal | Top 5 way to earn money from internet in Nepal

How does a URL shortener make money?

How does a URLshortener make money? This is an internal issue that outsiders often don’t know. But let’s make some speculations here.

·         Gathering and selling dataThe URL shorteners can make money by collecting, analyzing, remaking and reselling industrial data and statistics about those websites that value the results and insights.

·    Those URL shorteners can also get an overview of what kind of URLs are shortened, who made clicks on their platforms when the users clicked their sites, and other demographics saved via cookie tags.

·    Many businesses will place advertisements on the URL shorteners. Thus, those URL shorteners can charge a monthly membership fee. They can also make money from advertisers because many advertisers will pay them to increase traffic to their websites or apps. Parts of those fees go to the URL shortener, and the rest goes to those who promote cut links to get money.

3. Sell your own stuff

If you're ready to enter the ecommerce fray, you could sell your own stuff. Of course, along with selling your own stuff on your own website comes a whole slew of both responsibilities and technical configuration and requirements. For starters, you'll need a website and a hosting account. You'll also need a merchant account like ones offered by Stripe or PayPal. Then you'll need to design that site, build a sales funnel, create a lead magnet and do some email marketing.

You'll also need ecommerce software, fulfillment software, worry about warehousing, customer service and refunds. But that's not all. You'll also need traffic. Think search engine optimization, Facebook ads, and other social media campaigns. It is hard work, especially on your own. You could opt for Amazon's platform, which might be an easier route. But, then again, at the end of the day, this is a serious business, which could produce significant profits. So you're either all in or you're not. 

Shopify: Want to build your own storefront? You could opt to create a Shopify store. You could also install WooCommerce as a plugin and run your ecommerce store from your blog. You'll need an SSL certificate and a way to process payments, but you might find this easier to get up and running fast to start selling immediately. 

Fulfilled-by-Amazon (FBA): You could start selling on the largest online store in the world and not spend the time to build out your own infrastructure or worry about traffic. You will need to pay a commission, but most of the other processes will be automated for you. 

Drop-shipping: Amazon offers one form of drop-shipping, but there are other resources for drop-shipping products that you'll never actually have to see or handle yourself. You'll simply need to close the sale. Providers like SaleHooWorldwide Brands, and many others, offer you a resource for drop-shipping your products.  

High-ticket consulting or coaching: You could sell your own high-ticket consulting or coaching products from your website. You'll still need a website, merchant account, sales funnel, lead magnet and many other items. But you can easily earn a substantial amount of money from each individual customer, making it well worth the arduous setup required. 

Thank you

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