what is operating system | function of operating system | characteristics of operating system

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    what is operating system | function of operating system |  characteristics of operating system|

what is operating system-here i provide defination of Operating system,function of operating system,characteristics of operating system,and type of operating, you can get all information about operating system.

Operating System Definition: 

it's a software system that works as AN interface between a user and also the hardware. the first objective of AN software system is to create system convenient to use ANd to utilize hardware in an economical manner. The software system performs the fundamental tasks like receiving input from the keyboard, process directions and causing output to the screen.

What is Operating System

The computer code is that the Non-Touchable elements of the pc , Associate in Nursingd Software’s area unit those that area unit used for activity Associate in Nursing Operation in order that Software’s area unit simply used for creating Associate in Nursing Application however hardware’s area unit those that area unit used for activity an Operation .
Operating system is computer code that's needed so as to run application programs and utilities. It works as a bridge to perform higher interaction between application programs and hardware of the pc. samples of software package area unit operating system, MS-DOS, MS-Windows - 98/XP/Vista, Windows-NT/2000, OS/2 and mack OS.

Functions of operating system:

Operating System means Resource Manager, that manage all the Resources those ar hooked up to the System,like Memory,Processor,Input/output Devices.
Storage Management:It manage all the Storing and Accessing Files and Directories Reading/Writing Operations.
Operating system manages overall activities of a laptop and therefore the input/output devices hooked up to the pc. it's the primary computer code you see once you activate the pc, and therefore the last computer code you see once the pc is turned off. it's the computer code that permits all the programs you utilize. At the best level, associate degree OS will 2 things:
what is operating system,function of operating system,type of operating system

Process Management: It manage all the User and system method.
Memory Management: OS additionally Manages the pc Memory that's provided to the method.
Extended Machine: it's behaves like AN Extended Machine that has North American nation Sharing of Files between Multiple Users.
Mastermind: It performs several Functions that is why we are able to say that OS may be a Mastermind.

Different types of OS

There area unit differing types of OS those area unit organized by their operating.
Serial process:In {serial process|data processing} OS that use inventory accounting (First in 1st Out) technique for processing the method.
Batch Processing:In execution an identical kind of jobs ready and processed.
Multi-Programming: In Multi programming OS Multiple Programs area unit dead on the System at a Time.
Real Time System: Real Time System area unit used there needs higher and Timely Response.
Distributed in operation System: during this OS information is keep and
How Operating System Work
When you activate the pc, the OS program is loaded into the most memory. This program is termed the kernel. Once initialized, the computer programme is ready to run the user programs and permits them to use the hardware expeditiously. Windows 98/XP is a superb example that supports differing kinds of hardware configurations from thousands of vendors and accommodates thousands of various I/O devices like printers, disk drives, scanners and cameras.
Operating systems could also be classified supported if multiple tasks will be performed at the same time, and if the system will be employed by multiple users. It will be termed as single-user or multi-user OS, and single-tasking or multi-tasking OS.A multi-user system
must be multi-tasking. disk operating system and Windows 3x ar samples of single user package. Whereas UNIX is associate example of multi-user and multitasking package.
For Example if we wish to Perform Some Paintings on the Screen, then we have a tendency to should use the applying software system as Paint associated Hardware as a Mouse for Drawing an Object. however however the System is aware of what to try to to once Mouse Moves on the Screen and once the Mouse attracts a Line on the System so package is critical that move between or that Communicates with the Hardware and also the software system. For higher understanding you'll be able to see the operating of the package.

Characteristics of Operating System

1) package could be a assortment of Programs those ar liable for the Execution of different Programs.
2) package is that that accountable is for dominant all the Input and Output Devices those ar connected to the System.
3) package is that that accountable is for Running all the applying Software’s.
4) package is that that Provides programing to the varied methodes suggests that Allocates the Memory to varied Process those needs to Execute.
5) package is that that provides the Communication between the user and also the System.
6) package is hold on into the BIOS suggests that within the Basic Input and Output System suggests that once a user Starts his System then this may browse all the directions those ar Necessary for death penalty the System suggests that for Running the package, package should be Loaded into the pc For this, this may use the Floppy or onerous Disks that Stores the package.

I hope this is helpfull for you 

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